InBN Pitches Momentum in New 90-Page Recruitment Booklet

This new booklet is meant to be not only a marketing tool to attract new businesses to the area, it is also designed to help local businesses attract new employees to Buffalo Niagara.
O-AT-KA Milk Plant Expands in Batavia

A Batavia dairy cooperative has finished expanding its warehouse and material-handling functions with state aid, enabling it to continue to grow production and add 24 new jobs within three years.
Invest Buffalo Niagara Releases Relocation Guide

The 90-page guide, just released this week, covers virtually all aspects of the region from average home sales to snapshots of its colleges and universities and professional sports teams.
Banner Year for Biotech

Biotechnology companies now represent the majority of initial public offerings and are fetching the highest acquisition prices in the venture-backed world. A local expert weighs in.
Business Consultant Sees Improved Climate for Startups

Jack McGowan said he gets a good sense soon after meeting with the founders of a startup company whether they have what it takes to succeed in business.It happened back in 2000 when he was a coach …
Invest Buffalo Niagara Brings Word of Buffalo’s Comeback to D.C.

Thomas Kucharski, the president and CEO of Invest Buffalo Niagara, was the only local economic official chosen to speak at this year’s two-day SelectUSA Investment Summit, the Obama administr…
Bright Buffalo Niagara Expo Gives Boost to Entrepreneurs

The founders of these and 29 other companies got the chance to tout their ideas to a panel of judges – and a roomful of fellow entrepreneurs, academics and potential investors
Invest Buffalo Niagara Continues to Target Canadian Firms

Invest Buffalo Niagara is singing “Oh! Canada” and with good reason. Having spent Tuesday hosting a business strategy networking event in Oakville, Ont. that targeted Canadian firms con…
Roswell Park Launches Global Biotechnology & Cancer Therapeutics

As a for-profit spinoff of Roswell Park, GBCT will provide new avenues for maximizing the impact and community benefit from Roswell Park discoveries and resources. GBCT will utilize strong local an…
Sumitomo Reclaims Ownership of Tonawanda Dunlop Plant

Japan-based Sumitomo is ending a joint venture it formed with Ohio-based Goodyear in 1999. Sumitomo already had a 25 percent interest in Goodyear Dunlop Tires North America; Sumitomo will now acqui…